100H Yoga Intensive
Level I

100h YOGA INTENSIVE Level I is for yoga practitioners of all ages and levels. Yoga means standing on your own feet. Nothing more!
Swami Rama
The course serves as an examination of one’s own yoga practice. The understanding conveyed here leads the students to deepen their practice and is thus not only an offer for the development of the individual practice, but also an ideal preparation for a future teacher training: In both cases, the aim is to integrate yoga more intensively into life.
The 100 hours are divided into 4 modules of 23 hours each.
Basic terms and concepts of Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga are taught. We dive into anatomy, philosophy, the correct execution of asanas, pranayama, the concepts of yin and yang, reciting and chanting mantras and experience yoga nidra.
If you want to know whether YOGA INTENSIVE Level I is right for you, consider whether you can answer YES to the following points:
- You are open and interested to engage in an intensive study.
- You speak German and/or English. We are happy to translate where necessary. We are happy to translate where necessary.
- You are physically and mentally healthy. Regular yoga practice for at least two years is an advantage.
Admission is after a personal interview and a visit to a yoga class with Angela.
The instructors of the yoga training are distinguished by qualified, long-standing, professional theoretical and practice-oriented competences in their field. Additional guest lecturers are invited for in-depth study and topic-related practice.
Leadership & Concept, Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Teaching Methodology & Didactics, Sequencing (E/D/IT/ES)
Hatha, Pranayama & Meditation, Personal Development, Teaching Methodology and Didactics (E/D)
Philosophy and philosophy-related practice (E/D)
All at a glance
The Info Evening will take place on Friday 1 December 2023 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Free yoga class with Angela, exchange with former alumni and ask questions.
Upon completion, students will receive a certificate of attendance.
CHF 1’800.- (registration fee CHF 300.-)
Included in the registration fee is free participation in all of Angela’s weekly lessons from 8 March to 9 June 24.
In return for helping out in the studio (approx. 1-2 hours per teaching day), a 50% discount on the course fee is granted.
Those who would like to apply for the Karmaplatz should be financially dependent on the discount.
Interested persons send their letter of motivation info@dasyogahaus.ch
1. – 3. March 24
5. – 7. April 24
3. – 5. May 24
7. – 9. June 24
Freitag, 7:30 am–11:30 am & 1:30 pm–5:30 pm
Samstag, 7:30 am–10:30 am & 1:00 pm–5:30 pm
Sonntag, 7:30 am–10:30 am & 12:00 pm–4:30 pm
Contact Hours 92H
Non contact hours 8H
DAS YOGA HAUS GmbH, Freyastrasse 6a, 8004 Zurich
200H Yoga Intensiv

200h YOGA INTENSIVE, led by Angela Boscardini, is for yoga practitioners of all ages and levels. The 200h Intensive Level II offers a deeper exploration of your yoga practice and points the way to becoming a teacher, with the possibility to teach at DAS YOGA HAUS already during the training.
What is special about this training course?
Angela has put together this programme for a group of maximum 8 participants, who are individually selected and supervised. Working in small teams offers more space for personal encouragement and support. This also allows the whole group to grow.
150h theory & practice in the small group of which 125h in DAS YOGA HAUS and 25h for independent group work & research.
50h of individual mentoring, including observing and assisting during regular classes at DAS YOGA HAUS and coaching, which focuses on the development and needs of the student.
In humans there is a fundamental unity between mind and body. Breathing is the most important link.
~ Swami Rama
Through a regular practice of asana, pranayama, kriya and meditation, you will gain a multi-layered understanding of the body and come to better understand the interrelationships of the body systems.
This foundation is the basis for the further yoga path and teaching.
Angela works with a team of external lecturers who will enrich and support the training course in the subjects of philosophy, anatomy, nutrition, communication, therapy and individual coaching.
In the course of Level II the following emphases will be taught:
Asana in Hatha, Vinyasa & Yin Yoga.
Anatomy & Physiology, Yoga Medicine
Kriya, Pranayama & Meditation
Yoga philosophy & Chakra deepening
Personality development
Mantra, Voice Work & Communication
Teaching Methodology & Didactics
Sequencing – Learn how to structure a lesson
Ayurveda & Nutrition
Internship (observe and assist lessons in the Yoga House)
If you want to know whether YOGA INTENSIVE Level II is right for you, consider whether you can answer YES to the following points.
- You are open and interested to engage in an intensive study.
- You want to deepen your own practice.
- You are interested in understanding the connections between anatomy, Indian philosophy, mediation and other fields.
- You are physically and mentally healthy.
- You have completed Level I or a comparable training.
Admitted are people who have at least 2 years of yoga practice or have attended our 100h Yoga Intensive. Have written a motivation letter and attended a yoga lesson with Angela Boscardini. A personal interview will follow the lesson.
The instructors of the yoga training are distinguished by qualified, long-standing, professional theoretical and practice-oriented competences in their field. Additional guest lecturers are invited for in-depth study and topic-related practice.
Leadership & Concept, Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Teaching Methodology & Didactics, Sequencing (E/D/IT/ES)
Hatha, Pranayama & Meditation, Personal Development, Teaching Methodology and Didactics (E/D)
Philosophie und Ayurveda (E/D)
Anatomy & Yoga teacher, Tanja is a physiotherapist FH (E/D)
Voice Work & Mantra Singing
All at a glance
Upon completion, students receive a 200H YOGA INTENSIVE TEACHER DIPLOM.
CHF 4,800.– from which Deposit of CHF 500.– on registration and remaining CHF 4,300.– can be paid in 2 or 3 instalments (due on registration deadline 10.01.2024)
With the registration and included in the price is, from 02 February to 27 October 24, free participation in all of Angela’s weekly lessons.
150 hours theory, practice, exams
02 – 04 February 2024
22. – 24. March 2024
12. – 14. April 2024
24. – 26. May 2024
21. – 23. June 2024
05. – 07. July 2024
23. – 25. August 2024
27. – 29. September 2024
25.- 27. October 2024 (Exams)
50h Mentoring
will be individually agreed with each student
Friday 13:30 – 17:30 (4h)
Saturday 07:30 – 10:30 & 13:00 – 18:00 (8h)
Sunday 07:30 – 12:30 (5h)
DAS YOGA HAUS GmbH, Freyastrasse 6a, 8004 Zurich
Languages Deutsch, English, CH-Deutsch
100H Yoga Advanced

2 x 6 days modules in person plus 4 x 3 hrs online sessions
This course is a continuing education training that will teach you how to guide your students with clarity and confidence through the journey that is an embodied yoga practice.
There is often a desire to teach in this way but not many courses can give you the skills, understanding, science and wisdom behind this way of working.
These are essential elements so that you can translate it into well-balanced classes that shift your students’ awareness and therefore their relationship to yoga as a whole. In this training we will meet in person for a 6 day intensive in Zurich at Das Yoga Haus, followed by online sessions, finishing with another 6 day intensive in Zurich. Julie Martin has been leading teachers in the yoga world for over 20 years through this journey with an incomparable delivery and knowledge that makes the embodiment work come alive and accessible to teach for all.
Are you ready to move away from a shape-based practice and into an embodied way of teaching?
To inspire your students in their individuality and empower them to truly listen to the inherent intelligence of their body?
What will you learn
What embodiment really means, why it is important in the world of well being and the philosophical implications of teaching this way.
Introducing your students to an embodied practice through understanding proprioception, interoception and exteroception first.
The understanding of somatics and mindfulness, and how they differ from embodiment and yet still enhance the practice overall.
Intelligent sequencing to support the journey of each student which includes the truth about layering movement and guiding students towards exploration without confusing them.
New language skills. An embodied practice cannot be supported by ‘cue based’ teaching. A new language is needed to guide while still creating a container of support. Make the transition from your current style of teaching into an embodied one with skill so that you bring all your students with you.
The instructors of the yoga training are distinguished by qualified, long-standing, professional theoretical and practice-oriented competences in their field. Additional guest lecturers are invited for in-depth study and topic-related practice.
All at a glance
Regular price: £ 900.-
Early Bird (if paid in full before 30 Nov 2023): £ 750.-.
We offer a 6 month payment plan (6 x payments of £ 260.-).
If you would like a longer payment plan option, please contact us.
If you would like to secure your spot we would need a non refundable deposit of 250 POUND STERLING
Registration occurs via Brahmani Yoga and under the evaluation and supervision of Julie Martin.
Week 1 Saturday 9 to Tuesday 14 March 24
(6 Days from 9:30 am–4:30 pm)
Week 2 Saturday 14 to Thursday 19 September 24 with both Julie Martin and Gari Carter
(6 Days from 9:30 am–4:30 pm)
A total of 78 Contact Hours @ DAS YOGA HAUS
After the first week training, you will also get access to Julie’s weekly live masterclasses on Zoom for 6 months. With this, you also get access to 6 months worth of recordings of all of my past live sessions.
The second week 6-days course can be booked alone or you can also join both Julie Martin and Gary Carter for what will be considered Week 2, 14-19 September 2024 for a discounted price.
DAS YOGA HAUS GmbH, Freyastrasse 6a, 8004 Zurich