1. February, 14 pm–17 pm

Do you often feel tired or exhausted? Do you experience menstrual cycle or menopause related issues? Do you have trouble with digestion, mental health, or restful sleep?
Would you like to discover simple yet effective ways in which you can create a positive change thus balancing your hormones and improving your health and life quality? Would you like to gain access to tools and practices that are free of cost and accessible to all?
Um das 35. Lebensjahr herum beginnen sich die Hormone der Frauen stark zu verändern. Taking this natural progression into account and learning how to accommodate it can drastically improve the quality of our health and wellbeing no matter what age we are, as well as empower us in transitioning gracefully through all stages of life.
In this workshop we will address sleep and diet, lifestyle, and stress management from the ayurvedic point of view while integrating the understanding of the way two particular groups of hormones interact in our bodies. We will discuss the guidelines on self-care in these four areas while leaving ample time for questions regarding individual application of the guidelines. We will also enjoy a gentle yoga asana practice and a simple breathwork.
You will receive a hand-out with a short asana sequence than can be done daily and breathwork instructions, as well as a summary of the before mentioned guidelines.
The workshop is suited for all ages Please bring comfortable clothes suitable for a gentle asana practice and a pen and something to write on. Take a deep breath and be part of it!
Saturday, 1. February 25, 14 pm–17 pm
CHF 90.–
Radhakripa Walton (MORE)
Ayurvedic Self-Care Guidelines, Including Short Asana Sequence and Simple Breathwork Instructions
For further enquiries, email us at info@dasyogahaus.ch.