1. March, 18 pm–20 pm

Julie’s Sacred Dance takes a movement practice one step further into the stories our bodies hold, often trapped in the silence our words cannot express. It is based on non-verbal communication, dance and movement therapy, and movement meditation, and has a deeply healing effect on almost all practitioners who experience it. Releasing old patterns and beliefs through expression. Liberating what the body has been holding on to but no longer needs. Brahmani Sacred Dance goes into what we experience in our bodies. It’s about sensing and feeling. We are telling stories with our bodies all the time. On a cellular level we are holding all of our emotions, we are holding all of our thoughts and we have an opportunity to express and move through them, move away from them, leave them behind. It is movement through emotions and expressions. It can be a play of creativity. It can be an investigation into a traumatic sensation. It can be a non-verbal dialogue between two people. This is what Juli’s love about it. The way we can connect to others in more freedom and still be individual, so that our expression in not just something of this self, but something of the collective – of the whole.
Saturday, 1. March 25, 18 pm–20 pm
45.00 CHF (Teacher Training students have free access)
Julie Martin (MORE)
For further enquiries, email us at info@dasyogahaus.ch.